
Bas Gros Poing is accepting sponsorship by companies in exchange of help or technical services. If you wish to sponsor us, please get in touch!

Kirby is a flat-file CMS (no database) using the PHP language. Kirby is an open source project made in Germany, supported by a friendly community and a fair license model. Extremely easy to setup and configure, almost low-tech and without frills compared to competing solutions, it's used by Bas Gros Poing for the whole website since 2018.

Bas Gros Poing benefits from a license to use Kirby offered by its development team as part of its support program for non-profit organizations.

Zapier provides workflows to automate the use of web applications together. It is often described as a translator between web APIs. Bas Gros Poing uses Zapier to automate some tasks.

Bas Gros Poing benefits from a FREE PLAN license without time limit offered by Zappier as part of its support program for non-profit organizations.

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